A downloadable GameMaker package

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Created initially for my Opera GX Game Jam entry.

Lets GameMaker read and write from a web browser's local storage and session storage as a JavaScript "pass through."

Functions relating to the local storage of a browser
html5_sessionstorage_*Functions relating to the session storage of a browser
FunctionUsageHelpReturnsMDN (for JS)
*_save*_save(string_key, string_value)Save a string value to the associated key
*_load*_load(string_key, string_default_value)Loads a string value from the associated key, or the default value given if missing/undefined
A string
*_remove*_remove(string_key)Removes a key/value pair
*_key_at*_key_at(index)Get a key's string from an index into storage
A string
*_clear_all*_clear_all()Clears all key/value pairs from storage
*_get_length*_get_length()Gets how many key/values pairs are in storage
A number
*_exists*_exists()Checks to see if storage is accessible by setting and removing a testphrase into storage. Only needs to be checked once and not before every other call

The help in the GameMaker IDE is also set, so context help will appear.

The extension only copies to HTML5 targets and does nothing on every other platform.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

GameMaker Package (.yymps, GMS2.3+) 2.9 kB
JavaScript Source Files 910 bytes


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Deleted 37 days ago

The best resource would be MDN. For saving and loading something that aren’t strings you would need to convert from and to.